Starting school brings a lot of change for your student. It brings a host of new influences, opportunities, and temptations for your student. They meet new friends, are affected by new teachers, and exposed to new influences both good and bad.
It’s a sad truth, but many schools and teachers are no longer supportive of traditional Christian values. Some schools are even hostile toward Christians.
Even when our children attend Christian schools, they are still exposed to influences from other students.
The truth is, every day you send your student out into a war zone. Schools are spiritual battlegrounds where a Christian student’s faith is challenged daily.
Talking and listening are the most basic relational elements to grow in intimacy and knowledge of another. With God, we call it prayer, but often we struggle to have a meaningful, daily, conversation with our Creator and Savior, especially as it relates to praying for one’s family members. I appreciate the work of Billy Taylor and the National Prayer Room to create practical and meaningful prayer tools to guide intercession for husbands, wives, and students. I have used them and would recommend them to all.
Mike Thibodeaux, Simplicity Ministries
Justin Moss, Senior Pastor
Memorial Baptist Church
Killeen, TX
Plus Many More
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